Announcement: Funding Opportunity – Sexual Assault Formula Grant Program (SASP)

Announcement: Funding Opportunity – Sexual Assault Formula Grant Program (SASP)

Grants to Sexual Assault Programs to provide Counseling Services is now open.

Applications are due September 27, 2024, 11:59 p.m. CST.

SASP’s grants are awarded to states and territories to support rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations or tribal programs that provide services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault and their families. The Office of the Governor receives SASP funding and contracts with the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA), as a pass-through agency, to administer the program which includes subcontracting with organization to provide grant activities.

This grant opportunity will fund sexual assault programs to provide counseling services to primarily adult survivors of sexual assault that are assaulted by someone other than a family for household member.

  • Click here for the Grant Informational Meeting.
  • Click here for the full announcement (including eligibility requirements).
  • Click here for the Application Questions (see the questions before starting the application).
  • Click here for the Application Instructions (provides step-by-step instructions to complete the application).
  • Click here when you are ready to start the application.