Addressing Systemic Racism in the Anti-Violence Movement

Addressing Systemic Racism in the Anti-Violence Movement

TAASA has long supported and encouraged the important strides towards racial justice and confronting anti-blackness in our movement. Our CEO, Rose Luna, released a letter on June 9, 2020, to organizational leaders urging programs to join us in this work. In service to our own learning and praxis as a movement, we offer these resources. We acknowledge how much we owe to Black activism in our anti-sexual violence movement, encourage authentic reflection on our organizational cultures and practices to cease perpetuating harms, and move towards embodying the liberation we hope for every person by eradicating anti-blackness and other root causes of sexual violence. 

Support Black-Serving Organizations in Texas

Learning our history & where we are now 

Organizational assessments & reflections 

Interrupting racism & anti-blackness as an organization